Irish Lightning

Irish Lightning by Travis Lee My rating: 5 of 5 stars Mark tries to relive his glory days as a famous high-school jock in an American small town. Why? Because as an adult he’s a failure. The familiar plot and setting contrast with other stories I’ve read by Travis Lee which plunge the reader into Irish Lightning

Spitting Off Tall Buildings

Spitting Off Tall Buildings by Dan Fante My rating: 5 of 5 stars Bruno Dante is a loner, a guy who wants to spend time in his room reading Tennesse Williams’ plays but has to venture out to earn money. He cleans windows, drives a cab, and is an usher at a theatre. He hates Spitting Off Tall Buildings

American Pilgrim

American Pilgrim by Roosh V. My rating: 4 of 5 stars Even in his pick-up artist phase, Roosh Valizadeh’s writing displayed a level of introspection and observation which made his books worth reading. In ‘American Pilgrim,’ Roosh is on the road—giving us his take on worldly issues for possibly the last time. His aim isn’t American Pilgrim

The Dragonhead

The Dragonhead: The Godfather of Chinese Crime–His Rise and Fall by John Sack My rating: 5 of 5 stars As others have mentioned, “The Dragonhead” is a great read taken as a novel but doesn’t hold up as a true story. The Dragonhead himself, Johnny Kon, crosses over into Hong Kong in the 60s as The Dragonhead